We Are Here To Help You!
We are sparking interest in the skilled trades for the region’s youth and those seeking re-skilling opportunities

We Are Here To Help You!
We are sparking interest in the skilled trades for the region’s youth and those seeking re-skilling opportunities

Saugeen Sparks Training Centre
A not-for-profit Training and Skills Development Centre commenced operation in Saugeen Shores in the fall of 2023. The Centre’s plan is to provide outreach and hands-on skills training and re-skilling learning opportunities, leading to diverse employment opportunities for all.
Mission: To provide opportunities for youth and adults to explore their curiosity and discover their interest in the skilled trades through programs, partnerships and community engagement.
Vision: Through hands-on learning and positive mentoring, the Centre will provide introductory hands-on skills development programs, leading to further educational and/or diverse regional employment opportunities.
The Centre’s goal is to ignite students’ interest in the trades as a valuable career option. In the pursuit of our mission, we are proactively establishing partnerships and connections with all community members and similar-minded collaborators. Our commitment to inclusivity guides us, all while acknowledging the unique mandates of each organization.
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre is a community-focused organization dedicated to empowering individuals through comprehensive, skills-based training and support services. Our mandate is to provide accessible and high-quality training that equips individuals with the practical skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s dynamic job market.
Programs and Services
Our Centre offers a wide range of training programs tailored to meet the needs of the community, including:
- Electrical Training: Hands-on courses designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical experience in electrical systems, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for careers in the electrical industry.
- Welding Training: Comprehensive welding courses that cover various techniques and safety practices, enabling participants to pursue successful careers in welding and fabrication.
- Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support to our trainees, including career counseling, job placement assistance, and access to resources that help them thrive both personally and professionally.
Community Impact
Over the past year, Saugeen Sparks Training Centre has successfully trained 213 students in Electrical and Welding disciplines, contributing to the skilled workforce in our region. Our graduates are equipped with the essential skills to secure employment, thus driving economic growth and enhancing the quality of life within the local communities.
Partnerships and Collaborations
We collaborate with local organizations, labour unions, and community partners to continuously expand our curriculum and services. These partnerships enable us to offer additional training programs and resources that align with the evolving needs of the job market.
Future Goals
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre aims to broaden its curriculum by introducing new training programs that address emerging industries and technologies. We are committed to securing additional funding and support to expand our training programs, ensuring we can continue to provide exceptional training opportunities to more individuals.
Successful Summer 2024 Welding Programs
Saugeen Sparks – Canadian Welding Bureau Mind Over Metal Workshop
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre in collaboration with the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), recently conducted a one-week Mind Over Metal welding workshop where 20 participants honed their welding skills under the guidance of the Welding Bureau’s instructors and the Training Centre’s lead welding instructor.
At the conclusion of the workshop, twenty participants would be tested for their CSA W47.1 flat and horizontal fillet weld qualifications using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process.
On July 12th 2024, the last day of the one-week Mind Over Metal workshop, CWB weld inspection was conducted and Saugeen Sparks Training Centre was thrilled to announce that the class received a 100% passrate with 18 participants obtaining their flat and horizontal fillet weld qualifications, while two participants who had previously received those two qualifications, successfully upgraded to the vertical and overhead welding qualifications.
According to Brian Lieske the CWB welding inspector “the workshop 100% pass rate is an outstanding accomplishment that reflects the effectiveness of the training and the commitment of both instructors and participants from across the region”.
Thirteen of the workshop participants received their training at the Training Centre’s fall 2023 and spring 2024 Night School programs while the other participants were students from the Bluewater and Bruce-Grey Catholic School Boards who had recently participated in the Training Centre’s sponsored Support Ontario Youth – Tools In The Trades Welding Boot Camp on June 7th 2024.
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre would like to recognize and congratulate the following CWB Mind Over Metal workshop graduates:
Brent Sparrow, Mathew Blacklock, Emma Graham, Natasha Holder, Greg Stroeder, Carter Fry, Joey Bramma, Tristan Jones, Kody Cook, Emma Stade, Natasha Smethurst, Logan Kestner, Talan Hope, Cohen Wettlaufer, AJ Cohen, Asadal Mitchell Park, Maverick Solomon, Edward Ladd, Jake Shepstone and David Zimmerman.
Saugeen Sparks – Provincial Building and Construction Trades – Tomorrow’s Trades Specialized Welding program
On July 15th 2024, sixteen students including eleven graduates of the recently concluded CWB Mind Over Metal workshop as well as five Georgian College graduates of the Welding Techniques program, participated in an intensive four-week Saugeen Sparks Training Centre/Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario – Tomorrow’s Trades welding program. Saugeen Sparks Training Center welding instructors Kenny Kilday, Bob Kahgee and Steve Roote provided the welding instruction for this four-week program.
The aim of this program was to better prepare students for apprenticeship opportunities as they would receive instruction and be tested for two more CWB fillet weld certificates in the vertical and overhead positions. To further enhance their employability skills, students would individually receive an educational assessment, receive Health and Safety, Working at Heights, Confined Space and Diversity/Inclusivity Training and would interact with several labour unions and regional employers.
At the conclusion of the four-week educational and skill training program, the Canadian Welding Bureau tested the students, and for the second time in a five-week period, the Saugeen Sparks Training Centre was pleased to report that all students all received their certifications.
CWB Welding inspector Brian Lieske provided a program testimonial stating “this is something that does not happen often-and speaks to the level of instruction that these new welders have received. The instructors are top-tier tradespeople with a unique knack of passing down what they know to our younger (and older) new welders.”
The Provincial Building and Construction Trades – Tomorrow’s Trades and Saugeen Sparks Training Centre would like to recognize and congratulate a total of seventeen graduating students who participated in the Ignite Your Future 2024 programs on achieving all four position CWB-W47.1 fillet weld qualifications using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process:
Brent Sparrow, Mathew Blacklock, Emma Graham, Natasha Holder, Greg Stroeder, Carter Fry, Tristan Jones, Emma Stade, Natasha Smethurst, Maverick Solomon, Jake Shepstone, David Zimmerman, Taye Dickinson, Katelyn Dodgson, Ian Saunders, Liam Laporte and Sham Habteab Yousef.